Cancer News

DecisionRT Tool to Guide Endocrine Therapy after BCS for Breast Cancer

Apr 19, 2023 11:47:05 AM / by Stephanie

DCISionRT: Examining the Effectiveness of Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy for Breast Cancer Patients After BCS Chirag Shah MD
 - Synopsis below extracted from the video transcript.


Dr. Chirag Shah discusses the DecisionRT tool and its application in the treatment of breast cancer patients who have undergone breast-conserving surgery (BCS).


Dr. Shah begins by highlighting the importance of adjuvant endocrine therapy in reducing the risk of recurrence and improving survival outcomes for breast cancer patients. However, he notes that not all patients are good candidates for this treatment due to the potential risks and side effects.


To help determine which patients are likely to benefit from adjuvant endocrine therapy, Dr. Shah introduces the DecisionRT tool. This tool uses genomic profiling to analyze the patient's tumor tissue and predict the likelihood of recurrence without adjuvant endocrine therapy.




Dr. Shah explains that the DecisionRT tool is particularly useful for patients who have undergone BCS, as these patients may be more likely to experience recurrence than those who have undergone mastectomy. By identifying which BCS patients are at high risk of recurrence, the tool can help clinicians make informed decisions about whether to recommend adjuvant endocrine therapy.


Dr. Shah goes on to discuss the results of a recent study that evaluated the use of the DecisionRT tool in clinical practice. The study found that the tool was effective in predicting the risk of recurrence and guiding treatment decisions for BCS patients.


Overall, the video provides valuable information for healthcare providers who treat breast cancer patients, highlighting the importance of individualized treatment decisions based on the patient's specific risk profile. The DecisionRT tool offers a promising approach to optimizing treatment recommendations for BCS patients and improving outcomes in this population.


Written by Stephanie

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