Cancer News

Renal Cell Carcinoma Trials: Guidelines & Eligibility ASCO-FCR Trials

Mar 31, 2023 2:14:54 PM / by Stephanie posted in Kidney Cancer, MOASC, Renal Cell Carcinoma, ASCO FCR Guidelines, City of Hope


Poster discussed by Anna Odell, City of Hope - Friends of Cancer Research - Dr. Monty Pal served as a guide and advisory mentor.

In this poster, Anna Odell discusses the studies for treating RCC. "Evaluation of eligibility criteria in contemporary renal cell cancer trials based on ASCO-FCR recommendations.". She emphasizes the need of carefully choosing patients for clinical trials based on the specific molecular and genetic qualities they possess, and she describes the many types of RCC, including papillary and clear cell RCC.

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Renal Cell Carcinoma Trials: ASCO-FCR Guidelines RCC Trial Eligibility

Mar 31, 2023 12:29:48 PM / by Stephanie posted in MOASC, Renal Cell Carcinoma, ASCO FCR Guidelines, Trial Eligibility


Poster discussed by Ishann Sehgal, City of Hope - Friends of Cancer Research - Dr. Monty Pal served as a guide and advisory mentor.

Ishann Sehgal addresses the eligibility requirements for clinical trials involving renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in this video. He also covers the advancements that ASCO and FCR have made in the treatment of RCC.

According to Ishann, the qualifying standards for RCC clinical research have traditionally been quite stringent. This has the potential to restrict patient involvement and affect the findings of the study. Both the ASCO and the FCR have revised their qualifying requirements in order to accommodate a greater number of patients.

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